
Vast Strength

Finally be strengthened by the Lord and by HIS vast strength. eph. 6:10

I spent this last week in Nashville and upon arrival immediately felt the heaviness of sleep surround me. It was a weird sensation and the whole week my husband and i were both in a state of weariness. We were functioning and able to smile, but felt like we just weren't getting sleep. We slept in some great beds ... the kind you revel in and want more of, but continually woke up depleted. You might say we were in vast weariness.

I kept trying to figure it out ... is it the pillows? Are we sleeping too much? The facts remained that we were getting the same amount of sleep as we normally would and we were in the same time zone that we're always in. Was it allergies? Maybe, but why would we both be tired when I'm the one with allergies? My mental process contined ... At the same time I was weak, and feeling oh so in need of real sleep, I knew I was getting my REM as i had been dreaming. I also knew God was doing amazing things and my heart was stirred towards him. Was this spiritual?

Additionally, I could not seem to blog or do anything online. I had my computer with full intention to pursue writing, beginning with the blog, but i couldn't make myself do it. Ideas were swarming around in my mind, yet I remained still. As we moved forward with the activites of each day I felt I was barely alive, yet I watched God's plans unfold. They had nothing to do with the plans I had made. No blogging, no writing, just divine appointments I know were set up by God himself. I was incredibly encouraged and incredibly tired.

As we headed to the airport my eyes happened to fall on a sign that read, "Be strong against all the power of the enemy ..." More followed, but we'd already sped past. But the message had been sent. Be strong, power through in God's strength and let HIM lead. "We battle not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens." ephesians 6:12


Anonymous said...


saramacphotography said...

Your words gave me chills from my head to my toes ;) i have been reading blogs all morning inspiring myself to do some photo work :)

I just found this quote on another page:
If the imprisoned soul of sound makes the human spirit weep tears from too deep a well to be reached by individual suffering; if music turns the human heart into a vast capacity for something as yet undreamed of till all its being aches to the verge of infinity; if the minor reaches of our music have awakened harmonies in spheres we know not, till with dumb yearnings we turn our sightless orbs, "crying like children in the the night, with no language but a cry"; if painters' pictures stop the ache which nature started and fill for one amazing moment the yearning abysses discovered by the more mysterious thing than joy in music's movements--it is but for a moment. And all seems but to have increased our capacity for a crueler sensitivity, a more useless agony of suffering. But when God's servants guide us to His heart, then the first glorious outlines of the meaning of it all pass before us.

By Oswald Chambers

Have a blessed day! Enjoy the day

saramacphotography said...

i got chills from my head to my toes. thanks for sharing!