

So, it's been awhile. 2009 is officially here ... there's snow on the ground in April and I find myself looking forward to the spring reveal. Sidewalk cafes, flowers, and green space sound amazing. I have to say the first part of the year has been rough, it's been amazing, it's been revealing. This past Sunday was palm Sunday. I have yet to see palm branches in the city. Palms are the one thing I miss about being with my parents during this season.

Palm Sunday was a special day growing up. Waving palm branches we'd say Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! I don't think I really appreciated it then, but I loved the palm branch. God recently brought my attention to the meaning of the word: Save us or save now! In addition to praise and adoration of God was a cry for salvation. It gave new meaning to that cry for me! Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!